$149 Emergency Special
When a painful dental emergency arises, you can get the relief you need while staying within your budget. Contact us to schedule your limited emergency exam and x-ray for just $149!
At Lynn Dental Care, your neighborhood dental office in Dallas, TX, we're dedicated to protecting you from potential oral health issues that could escalate into more significant problems. Even the healthiest individuals can face painful dental emergencies. If you encounter a dental injury or sudden tooth or mouth pain, Dr. Lynn will provide the gentle, holistic care your smile needs as soon as possible. For urgent dentistry in Dallas, contact us at Lynn Dental Care today!
We offer urgent dental care to address the following conditions:
- Tooth Pain: Persistent tooth pain lasting more than a day or two could signal a more serious dental issue. Our comprehensive emergency examinations involve a detailed consultation with Dr. Lynn and using high-tech digital x-rays to understand the situation clearly.
- Knocked-Out or Broken Teeth: Knocked-out or broken teeth aren't merely cosmetic concerns. They can lead to dangerous infections that might impact your overall body health. If you or your child has experienced a cracked, knocked-out, or broken tooth, don't hesitate—call our emergency dentist's office immediately.
- Broken Dental Fillings & Crowns: While Lynn Dental Care uses the most durable, cutting-edge materials for dental crowns and fillings, dental restorations have a finite lifespan and can be damaged for various reasons. If your dental filling or crown breaks or comes off, promptly scheduling an urgent dental care appointment is crucial.
- Emergency Root Canal for Dental Abscess: Dental abscesses arise from untreated infections below the gum line. During your emergency dentist appointment, Dr. Lynn will first assess the abscess and may recommend an emergency tooth extraction or root canal if necessary.
Contact Us For Emergency Dentistry in Dallas, TX
Lynn Dental Care is your premier choice for swift and gentle urgent dental care. Call to schedule your same-day or next-day emergency dental appointment with Dr. Lynn. Your oral health is our priority, and we're here to provide the care you need when you need it the most.